Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tuesday's Tallies

My first Tuesday's Tallies too. 

Apart from last week, when I gatecrashed, because I wasn't really sure of what to do. Now though, I've found the Ravelry group, signed up and sorted my project.

My project has been going on for a couple of years, for as long as I've been spinning. I'm making a poncho/blanket from handspun British sheep wool. Every square must be handspun by me, then crocheted into a square, then labelled with the sheepy breed, then crocheted to the blanket. I won't be doing one a day, I'll aim for one a week. It would be nice to get this finished. It currently has 36 squares in the blanket, I have 12 left to do.
I will try to get a square of rare Soay wool made this week. The fleece is raw so I'm starting at sheep level.
This is what it looks like at the moment.
Thankyou for visiting. I'm enjoying looking at all of your beautiful creations too. 


  1. Welcome... I'm only a four week old Tuesday Tallie-er myself. Wow... ambitious! That is one blanket to be proud of!! Can't wait for your "Ta-daa" moment... only 12 weeks to go :) Have a great week xx Nicky

  2. awesome to have you along, what a lot of work for each square it must be very rewarding when you join it to the blanket what a lovely heirloom. I can just see future generations saying this was handmade from scratch by my . . . . love it. xx

  3. Nice to meet you :) what a great project, I love when there's a story!

  4. How neat. I love reading everyone's stories. Yours is really cool.

  5. What a very special blanket. I'm looking foward to your next square already :)

  6. Oh wow, what an unusual and exciting idea. It is a beautiful blanket/poncho already, it will be lovely to watch it get finished off. Thank you for joining us.

  7. I joined late and was made to feel really welcome, so Hello.

    How special is your blanket/poncho. The work you put into each square is brilliant.

  8. Lovely blanket....and so nice to see all the natural colours....we keep sheep, but none that would have wool nice enough fo a blanket. I went to a farm not that far away at the beginning of the year where they had a flock of soays, they are funny flighty little sheep.

    Welcome to the group!

  9. I love the neutral colours of it, its really interesting to see people who create their own wool :) very talented

  10. Thankyou for all your lovely comments and compliments. It is giving me the push I need to get this done. The Soay has been washed and dried, and is ready to comb before spinning.
