Today I went on a treasure hunt in the garden. I dug up the rest of the potatoes and googled how to store them. This is my first year of growing vegetables so I have a lot to learn.
The Bramleys are starting to fall so I'm collecting them a few at a time.
These are Ellen's carrots which she planted in the spring. She was pleased to see them come out of the ground and proudly carried them into the house. I told her that we'd need to wash them before we ate them.
The blackberries are growing around the chicken coop and I've already made a few crumbles.
5 eggs were laid today. Portia is retired and Missy was having a day off, so thanks go to Tamora, Desdemona, Juliet, Miranda and Rosalind.
When I brought everything back into the house, the carrots and Ellen were nowhere to be seen. I found them in the bathroom, where Ellen was washing the carrots, thankfully without soap.
We have been eating the carrots and Rachel said that they tasted like they had a dollop of sugar on them.